This site has consistently expressed concerns regarding Senator Rick Jones’ support and or funding of candidates and issues that are in direct conflict with what the Senator has put forth to the public as core principles and Republican Party Platform for many years.

His support for candidate, Ben Cwayna, running for the 56A District Court Judge is another indicator of the same pattern.

Mr. Cwayna sits on the Grand Ledge School Board and was one of the members that voted unanimously to terminate the employment of then Grand Ledge School Superintendent, Brian Metcalf.

Mr. Metcalf was terminated for expressing personal comments on his own time that offended others on social media, regarding the civil unrest and other issues related to the George Floyd death in Minneapolis. 

The Black Lives Matter organization was intensely involved in the property destruction and civil unrest after Mr. Floyd’s death and that still continues in different areas of the Country today.

Rick Jones is obviously supporting a candidate for judge that will administer social justice from the bench in Eaton County; does he support BLM as well?

This is but one of the issues facing Eaton County voters on Tuesday.

Do the people in Eaton County want fair and equal justice or a social justice warrior as the person on the bench deciding outcomes at the 56A District Court?

Do the people of Eaton County want a Sheriff that has a pattern of supporting social justice causes and candidates while he purports otherwise as a leading Republican in Eaton County?