Senator Rick Jones Uses Marijuana Money To Fund And Control Sheriff Campaign


According to State Election Filings, Senator Jones accepted tens of thousands of dollars from medical marijuana donors to his Political Action Committee.

Just read the incredible responses from him when Fox 2 Detroit poses some questions to the Senator about turning “grass” into cash.

He then used those donations to fund the McPhail campaign. County Election Filings reveal that Senator Jones’ “Jones Majority Fund” Political Action Committee has funded approximately 90% of Eaton County Sheriff Candidate Fred McPhail’s run for office.

Other elected officials that were recipients of the marijuana money contributed as well. Jones corrupt crony, Senate Majority Leader Arlen Meekhof donated $8000 Dollars to Fred McPhail’s campaign. This outside funding at those levels is questionable in many ways.

If elected, who would “Sheriff McPhail” answer to? What political favors or control is he beholding to?

For some reason, this was not reported locally in the Senator’s District.  Please see the graphic below that was posted on the Eaton County Community News Facebook Group, which makes the funding trail easily understood.



In addition, Senator Jones personally crafts talking points for Fred McPhail that are supposedly from McPhail that he disseminates from a secret Facebook group. This example below isn’t the first time the Senator has mistakenly posted his work to the wrong Facebook group, inadvertently exposing himself as the author of a damage control, spin scheme.



It’s blatantly obvious that Senator Jones is spending an inordinate amount of time and money to personally control a campaign for Sheriff, and other operatives in the Eaton County Republican Party.

Shouldn't he really be doing the business of the people that elected him not only in Eaton, but Clinton and Shiawassee Counties as well?

These self-serving activities are not the expectations of the people he supposedly represents.